Documentation Template 0.0.3
This is a free Documentation, developed and updated by Bennet Gallein. Visit my GitHub and my Twitter.
This is a free Documentation, developed and updated by Bennet Gallein. Visit my GitHub and my Twitter.
Here you can write what you want.. Nothing special but maybe some kind of important
Here is the basic skelleton of this project and how to build up your documentation
var lastCalledWithfunction callback(e){ lastCalledWith = e } obj.bind('someevent', callback) obj.doSomethingThatShouldTriggerEvent() expect(lastCalledWith.type).toBe('someevent') // check that callback was called
You can use the graphs by Morris.js
This is a Line-Chart!
This is a Area-Chart!
This is a Bar-Chart!
This is a Donut-Chart